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Three Warrants on
Rank in North America
Edited by Keith Raynor
Whilst undertaking some research in the Public
Records Office, London, England I came across the following documents relating to the
" Settlng of Rank " in North America during the Seven Years War. The original
documents can be found in WO 26/23, pages 87 & 88, and pages 354 to 356. I have
reproduced them below as they might be of interest to re-enactors or other researchers.
And, you never know, they could be handy things to quote in moments of friendly dispute.
Warrant for Settling the Rank and Precedence in
Whereas Doubts may arise with regard to the Rank
& Precedence to be observed between the Commander in Chief, Generals, and other
Officers, of our Forces in America, and the Gov'rs, Lieut. Gov'rs, and Presidents of the
Council of our several Provinces, and Colonies; in order to fix the same & prevent all
disputes, We do hereby declare, that it is OUR WILL AND PLEASURE, that the following Rules
be observed with respect to the Rank and Precedence of the said Persons in America vizt.
1st...The Commander in Chief of Our Forces by
Commifsion under Our Great Seal of Great Britain.
2d....Captains General and Governours in Chief of
Our Provinces, & Colonies, when in their respective Governments, as appointed by
Commifsion under Our Great Seal of Great Britain.
3d....General Officers upon the Staff.
4th...Captains General & Governours in Chief of
Our Provinces & Colonoies when out of their respective Governments.
5th...Lieut. Governours, and Presidents of Council
when Commanders in Chief of Our Provinces & Colonies in their Respective Governments.
7th...Lieut. Governors, and Presidents of Council
when Commanders in Chief of Our Provinces & Colonies out of their respective
8th...Lieut. Governours of Proprietary Governments
when in their respective Governments.
9th...Lieut. Governours of Our Provinces &
Colonies, not being Commanders in Chief out of their respective Governments.
10th..Governours of Charter Colonies when in their
respective Colonies.
11th..All Field Officers under the rank of
12th..Lieut. Govrs. of Proprietary Governments, out
of their respective Governments.
13th..Govrs. of Charter Colonies out of their
respective Colonies.
All Captains General, & Govrs. in Chief of Our
Provinces & Colonies, to take Rank according to the Duties of their Commifsions.
All Lieut. Govrs. of Our Provinces & Colonies
the same.
All Lieut. Govrs. of Proprietary Governments the
Govrs. of Charter Colonies according to the date of
their Charters.
Given at Our Court at Kensington this 7th day of May
1756 in the
Twenty Ninth year of our Reign.
By His Majesty's Command. H.Fox."
Warrant for Settling the Rank of Provincial General
& Field Officers in No. America.
Whereas some doubts have arisen with regard to the
Rank and Command, which the General and Field Officers of the Troops raised by the
Governours of Our Provinces in North America should have when joined, or serving together
with Our Regular Forces, in Our said Provinces; In order to fix the same, & to prevent
all Disputes on that account We do hereby declare, that it is OUR WILL & PLEASURE that
all General & Field Officers serving by commifsion from the Govrs; Lieutenant or
Deputy Govrs; or Presidents of the Council, for theTime being of Our Provinces shall take
Rank as eldest Captains, on all detachments, Courts Martial or other Duty. WHEREIN the
said Govrs & Field Officers may be employed in North America in conjunction with other
Regular Forces.
Given at Our Court at Kensington this 12th day of
May 1756 in the
Twenty Ninth year of Our Reign.
By His Majesty's Command. H.Fox."
Warrant for setting the Rank of Provincial Officers
in North America.
Whereas by our warrant
bearing Date the 12th day of November 1754, in the twenty eighth year of our Reign, we
were pleased to declare that all Troops serving by Commifsion sign'd by us, or by our
General Commanding in Chief in North America, shall take Rank before all Troops which may
serve by Commifsion from any of the Governors, Lieuts or Deputy Governors, or Presidents
for the time being, of our Provinces in North America, and that the General and Field
Officers of the Provincial Troops should have no Rank with the General and Field Officers
who serve by Commifsion from us, But that all Captains and other inferior Officers of our
Forces who are or may be employed in North America, are on all Detachments, Courts Martial
or other Duty wherein they may bejoined with Officers serving by Commifsion from the
Governors, Lieut. or Deputy Governors or Presidents for the time being, of the said
Provinces, to command and take post
of the said Provincial Officers of the like Rank,
though the Commifsions of the said Provincial Officers of the like Rank, sho'd. be of
elder Date;
And Whereas by another Warrant bearing date the 12th
day of May 1756 in the twenty ninth year of our Reign, We were pleased further to declare
that all General and Field Officers serving by Commifsion from the Governors, Lieut. or
Deputy Governors or Presidents of the Council for the time being, of our Provinces in
North America, should take Rank
as eldest Captains on all Detachments, Courts
Martial, or other duty, wherein the said General and Field Officers maybe employed in
North America in conjunction with our Regular Forces.
And Whereas not withstanding the Regulations above
recited, Difficulties have arisen with regard to the Rank of the Provincial Officers when
acting in conjunction with our Regular Forces, and we being willing to give due
encouragement to Officers serving in our Provincial Troops, are hereby pleased to declare,
that it is OUR WIll AND PLEASURE that for the future all General Officers and Colonels
serving by Commifsion honorary of the Governors, Lieutenant or Deputy Governors or
Presidents of the Council for the time being, of our Provinces and Colonies in North
America, shall on all Detachments, Courts Martial, or other Duty, wherein they may be
employ'd in conjunction with our Regular Forces, take Rank next after all Colonels serving
by Commifsions signed by us, though the Commifsions of such Provincial Generals and
Colonels, should be of elder date, and in like manner, that all Lieut. Colonels, Majors,
Captains, and other inferior Officers, serving by commifsion from the Governors, Lieut. or
deputy Governors, or Presidents of the
Council, for the time being, of our said Provinces,
and Colonies, in North America, shall on all Detachments, Courts Martial, or other Duty,
wherein they may be employ'd in conjunction with our Regular Forces, have Rank next after
all Officers of the like Rank, serving by commifsions signed by us, or by our General
Commanding in Chief in North America,
though the commifsions of such Provincial Lieutenant
Colonels, Majors, Captains, and other inferior Officers, should be of elder date to those
of the like Rank signed by us, or by our said General.
Given at our Court at
St. James's the thirtieth day of December 1757 in the thirty first year of our Reign.
By His Mayesty's Command W. Pitt."
Copyright: Keith Raynor,

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