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Ohio Forts 1753 The following information can be found among the Ordnance papers in the Public Records Office, London, England. This information might be of interest to readers researching the French and Indian Wars. P.R.O.London, Reference WO 47/41, pages 316,317. 17th April 1753 Received an Order of the Right Honourable the Lords Committee of Council for Plantation Affairs dated the 3rd Instant signifying that his Majesty having been pleased by his Order in Council of the 7th of last Month to refer unto them an extract of a Letter from Robert Dinwiddie Esq. Lieutenant Governour of his Majesty's Colony of Virginia to the Lords Commissionors for Trade and Plantations representing the Utility of Building some Forts upon (the) Ohio River in the western part of that Colony for the security and protection of his Majesty's subjects and the Indians in Alliance with his Majesty, and proposing that Twenty or Thirty cannon Three Pounders may be forthwith sent from hence to place in the said Forts, That the Lords of the Committee took the same into their consideration and were pleased to refer the said extract of a Letter to the Lieutenant General and other Principal Officers of the Ordnance to consider thereof and report to them what they conceive proper for his Majesty to do therein. P.R.O.London, Refernce WO 47/41,pages 396,397. Old Palace Yard, Westminster, Tuesday 29th May 1753. Received, an order of the Committee of Council for Plantation Affairs dated 15th Instant signifying that the Lieutenant General and Principal Officers of the Ordnance did by their report of the 17th ultimo represent to the said committee that they conceived the application of the Lieutenant Governour of Virginia for Thirty 3 pr. cannon with a proportion of Ordnance stores to be too early in regard the Forts are not yet erected and therefore could not think it advisable for his Majesty to grant the same until such time as at least a very considerable progress was made therein and plans transmitted whereby a true judgement might be formed of the number and nature of guns with the proportion of Ordnance stores that will be necessary to defend the same. That upon considering the said report their Lordships had ordered a copy thereof to be transmitted to the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations with directions to reconsider the letter they had received from the Lieut. Governor in relation thereto, and to form the best opinion they could, as to the nature of the Forts proposed to be erected and to lay the same before their Lordships, Whereupon the Lords Commissioners reported that they apprehended from the Terms of Lieutenant Govr.Dinwiddies Letter and from the small size and number of the cannon required that the Forts proposed by him are nothing more than small wooden Blockhouses such as are usually erected in his Majesty's Colonies in America for the security of the Indians and the defence of his Majesty's subjects who trade amongst them. That the Lords of the Committe therefore ordered the Lieutenant General and Principal Officers of the Ordnance to prepare an estimate of the expence of Thirty Three cannon of 3 pounders with a proper proportion of stores for the use of the Forts so to be erected and lay the same before their Lordships. Copyright: Keith Raynor